Mediterranean plant protein program

Development of an integrated value chain for the production, processing and distribution of Mediterranean vegetable protein products.

The market for vegetable protein from pulses for meat analogues is growing rapidly, both for climate change reasons and for its nutritional and health benefits.  The vast majority of extrusion plants are abroad and use local pulses or pulses close to the factories. Spain is a net importer of vegetable protein despite having a significant agricultural production of legumes.

Business model

The business model is that farmers in Mediterranean areas incorporate crops with high vegetable protein content (hemp, lupin, pea, etc.) intensively or in rotation with other crops (e.g. fruit trees). The production is sold on an aggregated basis to a new extrusion and texturisation plant located close to the agricultural production (e.g. Lleida) which, in turn, sells the protein to local processors and brands that prepare foods based on Mediterranean recipes and distribute them throughout the European market.


What is the expected benefit impact after activation?

  • CO2 savings vs. animal protein
  • CO2 savings vs. other chains
  • Increased Biodiversity
  • Improved Soil Quality
  • European leadership in the sector
  • Employment generation
  • Industrial investment
  • Exports of final product to EU
  • Increase in farmers’ income
  • New agricultural farms


Which organisations are likely to be involved?

This program is perfect for creating synergies and collaborations with all kinds of entities, including:

  • Private Companies: Agricultural Companies, Food Producers/Processors, Distribution, Industrial Machinery, Financial Sector, Energy, etc.
  • Territorial Partners: Agricultural Cooperatives, Town Councils, County Councils, Associations, Provincial Councils, etc.
  • Technical Partners: IRTA, Universities, Research Centres, etc.
  • Public sector and non-profit organisations: Generalitat Catalunya, County Councils, EU Funds, etc.


  • Phase 1

    Pilot Test Design (15-20Ha) and Structuring

  • Phase 2

    Pilot Test Implementation and Expansion Plan

  • Phase 3

    Expansion of the Model at each location min. 50Ha


Biohub Lleida*

*este proyecto fue iniciado por Flax&Kale.

Contact us for further information